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Caleb's Trio of Hope

Palliative Care

What is palliative care?

Palliative care is an interdisciplinary medical caregiving approach designed to optimize quality of life for patients suffering from serious, complex, and often terminal illnesses. Palliative care can be given alongside treatment intended to cure illness.

Who can benefit from palliative care?

Palliative care is a resource for anyone living with a serious illness, such as cancer, heart failure, Parkinson’s disease, and many others. Though palliative care can be helpful at any stage of illness, the earlier it is provided, the better.

Along with enhancing quality of life, the organized services provided by palliative care can help patients and families understand their choices for medical treatment.

Who is included on a palliative care team?

Doctors and nurses are key to any palliative care team. However, a palliative care team varies based on patient wants and needs, and may also include social workers, nutritionists, or even a religious or other faith-based leader.

How do I sign up to receive palliative care for my child?

Ask your health care provider for a referral to a palliative care specialist.