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Caleb's Trio of Hope

Signs & Symptoms

If in doubt, get it checked out!

The signs and symptoms of a brain tumour are often mistaken for a cold, virus, or other minor illness. However, if more than two are present at the same time, it is worth getting checked by your paediatrician.

What to look out for

  • Frequent headaches especially in the morning

  • Vomiting often in the morning with no temperature or diarrhea

  • Loss of balance or change of motor functions, such as a change in preference of one hand or foot over the other, loss of use or reduced movement of a hand or foot, a tilt that wasn’t present before, difficulty moving the head, or a stiff neck (changes may appear over a number of weeks)

  • Changes in behaviour, such as loss of interest in things your child enjoyed before

  • Fatigue, irritability, mood swings, or sudden emotional outbursts

  • Loss of or dramatic increase in appetite

  • Weakness in one side of the body, or change to the face, hands or legs on one side