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Caleb's Trio of Hope


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Seven-year-old Leo was diagnosed with an ATRT brain tumour in June of 2020. He fought his cancer bravely for three years before sadly succumbing to the illness at the age of 10.

Leo faced many challenges during his battle with a brain tumour. The cancer spread to his spinal cord, causing him to lose mobility. Unable to walk, he had to use a stairlift and wheelchair to get around.

But no matter what life threw at him, he lived every day with a beautiful smile on his face. He was a loving, energetic boy, and he filled a room with so much joy, laughter, and warmth.

Leo is survived by two sisters, Katie (9) and Mia (11). They took wonderful care of him, and his memory lives on through them. They love to look at videos and photos of their happiest times together, like a trip to Legoland for a family holiday.

Caleb’s Trio of Hope will be a tremendous help to families going through a palliative care prognosis. It’s a very scary and lonely time that brings unimaginable worries to all aspects of your life. The word “palliative” itself can bring about an overwhelming sense of hopelessness. But what it actually means is creating an environment that nurtures all aspects of a patient’s life, beyond just their health.

This is exactly where Caleb’s Trio of Hope steps in and helps lighten the load for families on this journey. They provide guidance, reassurance, and resources to make this time the best it possibly can be.