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Caleb's Trio of Hope

Family Stories


Seven-year-old Leo was diagnosed with an ATRT brain tumour in June of 2020. He fought his cancer bravely for three years before succumbing to the illness at the age of 10.

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Baran was diagnosed with ATRT in September 2014, a few days before he turned two years old. He sadly passed at the age of eight, after a six-year battle with cancer.

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Provide fun, happy experiences for children in palliative care. Help make lasting memories for family members, making the most of whatever time they have left together.


Provide financial and emotional support for children and families living with a palliative care diagnosis.


Contribute 40% of funds raised to childhood cancer research and treatment, particularly rare forms like ATRT.

Supporting our cause

Your donation helps create fun experiences for children in palliative care, provides financial support for their families, and goes toward important research on rare paediatric cancers and treatments.

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